Boundless charm.
Oklahoma’s First Resort Town
Visiting Medicine Park is truly like stepping into a painting. The delightful cobblestone community meanders along picturesque Medicine Creek. The gentle sound of the waterfall is a constant background to family fun. Eateries and unique shops are plentiful – all within an easy walking distance.
Hospitality is the heartbeat of this town. Medicine Park was founded in 1908 by Elmer Thomas as Oklahoma’s first resort town. His goal was to share the immense beauty of this area with visitors as a place to make family memories and enjoy much-needed respite from daily life. Medicine Park’s stakeholders of today work hard to revitalize the area and carry on his unique vision.
As you might expect, outdoor adventure is a huge part of our experience. Mountain biking is a constant here. There are miles and miles of hiking/biking trails surrounding the town that won’t disappoint. You can fish Medicine Creek, enjoy kayaking on Gondola Lake and even swim in Bath Lake right in the center of town. Our experience, combined with the Wichita Mountains Wildlife Refuge and nearby lakes, make us an outdoor lover’s paradise.
To learn more, visit the town website at medicinepark.com.
We have lots more information to share to help with your visit. Stay tuned for more information soon.